Deliverable D6.2. Impact study of project results and exploitation

The purpose of this document is to make a compilation of the impact study of project results and exploitation of the die, with SCHMIEDEWERKE GRÖDITZ (SWG) as deliverable leader and the collaboration of 2a S.P.A., LEBARIO RO and TECNALIA. This document can be considered as a compilation of the LCC and LCA calculation with the new developed steel and the final assessment, exploitation and impact information. The main goals of the report are summarized below: • To perform the LCC and LCA compilation. • To define the exploitation strategy. • To define the impact of the project.


With HPDC die built in WP5 and made with the new steel alloy and the die tests in industrial production conditions at 2A SPA facilities, all the partners have collaborated in the cost and environmental impact assessment.

A cost and environmental impact estimation of producing and using the new steel with reinforcing carbides and alloying elements, and manufacturing /maintaining cost of the dies with the new steel have be done in order to analyse the potential savings; analysing the potential of the new steel in terms of cost (LCC), environmental impact (LCA) and performance. In this way, costs and environmental impact estimation has been made over the knowledge and experience of working with special steels by every industrial partner.

From the results of previous WPs, an estimated increase of die life has been stablished in a 60%, with an increase of tooling and machining cost of a 2% and a reduction in solidification time of 2 seconds.



With the LCC studies, 2A SPA. in cooperation with TECNALIA. has performed an impact study with the information obtained from the industrial tests made at its casting facilities in WP6, incorporating to this study the information of its own current manufacturing process of the target part. Improvements in die life evaluations have been estimated in terms of manufacturing costs. The impact on these manufacturing costs comes mainly from increased die lifetimes, the elimination of some of the die changes due to die failures and a reduction in rejected parts. 2A SPA has quantified the direct benefits obtained from HPDCSTEEL project. SWG performer the impact study over the manufacturing of reinforced steels and LEBARIO has defined the impact over the die market, incorporating its own in-house costs to manufacture the new die.



The impact study of project results and exploitation shows that the new project steel have a lower environmental impact, and the expected improved life makes it more economic in comparison with commercial superior steels. Exploitable products and technologies have been defined, with the assessment of the expected economic and environmental impact of the project results, and the identification of the possible technical and non-technical barriers to the exploitation of the project results.

The main conclusions are:

  • The production of developed steel has a similar environmental impact in all the categories in comparison with premium steels.
  • The use of the new developed steel promotes an estimated 35% cost reduction in the manufacturing process of HPDC cast parts. The increase in the price of the steel and the die manufacturing costs is very reduced in comparison with the obtained final economic results, with a comparable price with premium steels.
  • Many new applications have been defined to employ the developed processes and new steel.
  • The technical and non-technical barriers are not supposed to be a problem for the exploitation of project results. 

